Sneak preview of Harrogate

Whether you are seeking the latest in on-trend travel systems; eco and sustainable toddler tableware; gender neutral baby clothes; or educational toys to stimulate young minds then Harrogate International Nursery Fair is the place to be. With just over a week until the show opens its doors on Sunday 15th October, here’s another preview of some of the fabulous products on offer.
Monitoring technology
With the launch of Stork, designed by a global leader in medical monitoring technology, parents for the first time can have access to a technology originally developed for the most challenging patients in hospitals, with a user interface that is a simple and easy-to-use app on a phone. The Masimo Stork baby monitor tracks health indicators so parents can get to know their baby better. See the baby's temperature, pulse rate, and oxygen saturation along with high-resolution video and clear two-way audio from the Stork app.
Visit Masimo Stork on Stand Q79
Leg comfort
KneeGuardKids4, the first adjustable crash tested footrest, helps children up to 9-10 years old to maintain the correct sitting position in every forward facing car seat without a support leg in place. When children's legs are dangling, strong pressure under their knees and calves, as a result of disordered blood and lymph circulation, is causing discomfort, numbness, pins and needles sensation and also weight on the knee joints. Footrest eliminates numbness in the child's legs, makes the child's back rest against the seat. It is easy to assemble and adjust to individual needs of a little passenger. Suitable for cars with and without ISOFIX.
Visit KneeGuardKids on Stand Q30
Exclusive offers
Ergobaby is known worldwide for supporting parents in their day to day lives, and its expanding collection is not to be missed. From The Evolve Home Collection of bouncers and high chairs, to the award winning carrier range and compact Metro+ strollers. Come and see the exclusive offers not to be missed during the duration of the show.
Visit Ergobaby on Stand A12
Favourite brands
Hippychick has become synonymous with high-quality nursery products at great prices and this year is no exception. The Company's stand will be awash with everything baby and toddler. Firm favourites like the Hipseat, Feeding Pillow and our range of bibs will be joined by new offerings from the likes of Nattou, Moby and Moover. Also on display will be the range of Bumbo® products following the recent appointment of Hippychick as the UK distributor for this iconic brand. Hippychick, where great products go hand in hand with outstanding customer service.
Visit Hippychick on Stand C7